Thursday, February 18, 2010

Duluth Snow Olympics at Chester Bowl

We held an event yesterday at Chester Bowl - it was AWESOME! Fox21 came out and interviewed us and filmed some of the riders - check it out here to see the video and read the article. There were over 30 kids out on the hill competing and having fun. Taylor from FOD, Me, TJ, Zach, and Sam were the judges for the event (and the set-up and tear down crew). Chester let us put together a super fun park for the kids - starting with a 15 foot down bar into 3 more options; a kicker over a cone, a 12 foot down culvert and a 10 foot flat box. A huge thank you goes out to all the sponsors - Continental Ski and Bike, FOD, CandyGrind, and Privateer (Sam if you have a website add it in the comments). Also a big thanks to Sarah for putting this all together. Here are a bunch of photos from the competition.

The Set-Up






Intermediate Division
1. Justis
2. Connor
3. Alec

Advanced Division
1. Dan Spooner (purple)
2. Jeff Anderson (not pictured)
3. John Myre (grey)
Best Trick - Colton (blue)

Advanced winners + Best Crash winner Chris Stingle

Everyone's a winner.

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